November 3, 2025

We ARE The Great Within

sunny days in Zealandia

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From the high-energy Wellbeing Market in Taupo, I have travelled in an easterly direction to the beautiful seaside city of Napier on the East coast of New Zealand’s North Island. I am taking a couple of days recess from the Great Within Tour to enjoy the sun, the sea and the Op shops!

I met many lovely people at the Wellbeing Market including the stall holders and presenters who were doing their bit to help in the transition of change happening around the world today. At the entrance, I provided the soothing tones that set  the scene and the healing vibration that meandered through the Great Lake Centre. The attendance was modest, but a great deal of those who came, received and enjoyed the quiet of a soothing and peaceful healing session. 

This week I travel away from the coast to the mid North Island City of Palmerston North and a retail-store venue called 'Inspire Me.’ Here, I will be presenting the full concert-Journey of the Great Within to an audience of 30 (or more) and Im feeling very excited about this. I will then be travelling south to Wellington and then across the Cook strait to the South Island. 

I have traveled these roads many times before, but this time feels different. The weather here in Zealandia has mostly been fine and very warm. Being a country in the middle of a great ocean we often get changeable conditions and the air can be a bit chilly at times. But lately the Sun has been a regular companion and has brought an air-warming energy to the land. I find that this coincides with the energy of change currently being experienced in human consciousness, and this is encouraging to the heart and the mind. I believe it to be an omen for positive change and I encourage people to see the positive rather than dwell on adversities. 

Consciously, we humans are on the leading edge of time. We are time-creators in the moment.  The events we create now, become the substance of time, recorded into the history of the human world behind us. I believe it is important that on the leading edge, we give our intention to living in the positive and harmonic energy flow of ‘goodness’. The same timeless energy flow that has created the continuity of time and space, within the possibility of eternity. 

In our meditations in the great within; we as spirit, exist in our human presence as creators in time eternal. There is nothing to fear from the goodness of positive energy. It has only been our collective doubt that has darkened our pathway . . . 

There is greatness NOW for humanity. 

In saying that, we acknowledge the same greatness within ourselves. It is within each of us that this matters. It is within each of us where we make a difference in this moment. It is within each of us, where we are A great humanity. We are Great Within. 

A big part of this tour was to visit my family of siblings and my friends in the South Island. Translated as Te Waipounamu, the South Island has a different energy to the north. The country-side is majestic and lush, the energy is peaceful and ancient. There is modern development, but also a blend of nature and technology that I believe is archetypal in the world to come. 

Next week I will be presenting The Great Within in Dunedin, Christchurch and Blenheim. The Dunedin event also features the Autumn Equinox - a time of balance and contemplation.

I look forward to seeing you at these events - please share this around your friends who live in the cities and towns above .

Thank you for reading

May peace be within you


Tour dates, times and venues

Palmerston North - Inspire Me - Wednesday 12 March - 7pm

142 The Square, Palmerston North, Phone 0275515576

Dunedin - Dunedin Spiritualist Church, Thursday 20 March - 7pm

36 Rankeilor St, Sth Dunedin. Phone 027 840 7799

Christchurch - Papanui Spiritual Centre, Saturday 22 March - 7pm. 

150 Harwood Rd. Phone 022 328 1924

Blenheim - Brayshaw Park Chapel, Sunday 23 March - 7pm.

26  Arthur Baker Place, Redwoodtown.  Phone 02 04022 2147

Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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