My deepest gratitude for Alexia’s visionary design and production of this fantastic new website.
But wait there’s more . . .
Meditation is coming around again. There is a new understanding and a new energy . . . Meditation is the spiritual Internet. A daily meditation connects us with each other, and all things. Meditation is anew. It’s not as it used to be; now there’s a new energy and a new feeling – have you visited lately? Have you felt the difference?
Why is this?
It is because meditation wants us to participate. Meditation wants us to re-unite in a way as never before. As has always been, meditation is essentially for you, your wellbeing and your connection with Soul Consciousness. The new energy isexpansion. The result is a critical mass reached and passed. As more and more people around the world join the family of the Inner-Internet there is a miracle to behold . . .
Each time a new person chooses to join the awesome energy-field of meditation, the field deepens to become an even more beautiful pool. The energy-field of meditation is LOVE. As it grows with our participation, the practice of meditation becomes a more effortless and profound experience – for all. You may notice more who want to meditate. You may even notice others, who “out of the blue”, begin to consider its possibility. Meditation’s promise of peace and freedom within . . . is becoming highly contagious.
The new energy in meditation has opened a portal in our consciousness. Being who we really are and doing the things we came here to do ascends on each of us as an enlightening blessing. With each meditation our resolve is strengthened. As never before, opportunities to fulfil our synchronistic purpose are opened before our eyes – in its realisation, the courage to fearlessly step forward.
In the profound peace and stillness of our meditation we are one in Soul Consciousness. We are inextricably connected to everything, everywhere. To each other we belong in nature’s creation. Each time we rise from meditation our eyes are opened to the greater purpose behind the changes in the world around us.
It is peace we are here to bring, it is love-unconditional we are here to demonstrate. No matter what we do, we are peace and we are love – of this there is no doubt.
There is newness again – in word, music and meditation.
See it . . . feel it . . . choose it daily.
Salutations and meditations!