November 11, 2015

The Power of Inner Peace

Why did the saying; “Inner Peace is World Peace” pass by our eyes without stopping?

The Power of Inner Peace

What was it about “Inner Peace” that didn’t quite connect with the mass population?

Maybe it just wasn’t “hip” . . . or maybe there wasn’t a place for “Inner peace” – or the time for it . . .

All I know is that Inner peace is the most significant human experience, and yet amazingly, it is also the most ignored!

City inhabitants of the western world are continuously bombarded with stress and schedule. For the majority, the human day is a succession of mental activities that attempt to cope in non-stop working conditions, relationship pressures, inflating currencies, and threats to personal security.

How is “Inner Peace” significant to the human experience?

A person who HAS a connection with their Inner Peace can live successfully in conditions that are stressful and demanding. They also have the choice to change those conditions . . .

If the feelings of Inner Peace are maintained through daily meditation, they grow to become part of our waking consciousness bringing balance and composure to life. With a more relaxed demeanour, energy is used more efficiently within the body strengthening the vital systems and resulting in a raft of health and wellbeing improvements. The mind responds with a more positive outlook.

Having Inner Peace becomes part of a pleasurable life. Taking “time out” at the beginning of the day resets our energy to begin in mindful peace and this underpins our goals and priorities as we move forward. Within the moments of daily life we have time to review decisions that we would normally have made automatically. Within the mental space created through meditation, we progress our lives in a more conscious direction.

Having a sense of Inner Peace has so much potential to offset the stresses of the modern world it is difficult to understand why it is overlooked. But perhaps for not much longer . . .

Inner Peace is a feeling common to all humans. We don’t GET Inner Peace – we already have it. Inner peace was the first experience of consciousness . . .

Consciousness in its undisturbed state is peace.
Peace is the essential space of consciousness.
“It is on the canvas of our Inner peace that we paint the fulfilment of our life”

When people adopt the idea of having Inner Peace in their lives, they begin to recognise and respect each other. Populations will thrive on mutual respect, resulting in less discrimination and eventually, equal opportunity for all to live happily, peacefully and abundantly together.

Peace and Inner Peace is the connection between all levels of consciousness. Through Inner Peace the human race will become a peaceful walk – hand in hand.

One more thing . . . Inner Peace heals past regrets and hurts. Inner Peace connects us with our happy Inner-child. Our hopes and dreams for life are released through our inner peace.

So if Inner Peace surfaces through Meditation, what are we waiting for? Meditation has been getting ready for a mass immigration. Meditation is easy and enjoyable to music. Let the music begin . . .

May the power of Inner Peace be with you . . .


Jeffree, Meditation Composer
Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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