February 11, 2025

“The intervention of wisdom”

. . . a sacred space between ourselves and these changing times

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In last weeks column, I spoke of “insulating not isolating,” in reference to being able to protect ourselves from incoming negativity and distraction — without blocking the things we actually enjoy.

People who isolate themselves, act out of feeling totally overwhelmed by their external circumstances. Their survival mechanisms driven to extreme, create isolation; the result of keeping everything at bay. The problem with this is that while there is a level of comparative-peace, there is the real risk of severing the connection we have with the flow of vital-energy required for ongoing enjoyment and fulfilment of life. Sooner or later, the comfort of isolation is replaced with feelings of disconnection and the likely return to chaos.

While insulating is also a protective mechanism, it can be seen as more selective in terms of its filtering. Being able to accurately identify what we do and don’t want is important. When it comes to this, the arch-enemy of our determination is often the fear of “missing out,” and on this, feeds the monster of propaganda, unashamedly set free on the world by its keeper in corporate marketing. But it’s a peculiar thing, when people are ready to leave the compound of obsessive consumerism, it is usually the monster that helps them out. 

The revelation that we are the food of greed is a therapy and release all at the same time. The idea of the monster becomes the motivator of our freedom. In swift departure, our default destination is naturally in the other direction, and there we land in full connection with our inner self, and a grounding of thought capable of overcoming our own challenges. 

From a sense of knowing who we are at our core, we have the power of our own determination to decide what is right for us. There is no right answer for all people, which is why we are all different. We must decide for ourselves based on our own information and our personal connection with the universe.

Add to that, I recommend learning meditation

 The other thing that comes up in the “out there versus in here” scenario, is the action of human “intervention” and the resulting question; has humanity become too much of an interference in the natural evolution of ourselves and everything else? Are we sabotaging our own existence in the belief “that something needs to be done”. 

The reason I draw attention to the issue of intervention, is that like consumerism, this is yet another remnant of the past we strive to avoid. We are only now realising on mass, that there is far too much interference in people’s individual lives from organisations, corporations, institutions, official authorities, and a plethora of other regulatory agencies. I will say though, in the beginning, we did ask for it …

But now? Well, times have changed and as they continue to do so, we are realising that a big part of enjoying a human experience, is working things out for ourselves and enjoying (and learning from) that process. Developing our human intuition IS the future. Whether intervention is needed or not is the real question. The answer may well lie in human intelligence versus human wisdom.

Scientifically, the intellect will intervene because it can. But I would suggest this is not a good enough reason. For one thing, science in the classical sense is theoretical and reductionist. There are so many areas of life where intervention is exercised prematurely. In medicine, education, environment, and in social cultures, premeditated intervention can and does cause its own problems. 

Human wisdom may well be ”airy-fairy” to an egg-head, but unlike reductionism, wisdom considers a much bigger picture approach, presenting questions that the intellect will either not have considered, or not want to consider. Namely, the progress of natural evolution, or just being patient and understanding the movement of all things working together … 

“only wisdom knows when to intervene”

I think intervention before complete understanding, is hardly intelligent. Nor has it ever produced unanimous results. Intervention would be wise to intervene on itself with a pause . . . for due consideration! 

From pause to meditation …

When we meditate, we connect with everything universal in quantum proportion. We become familiar within ourselves. We realise a deeper self than our human appearance, and with this connection, we quite literally become invulnerable to human stress. With this grounding, we get clarity of mind and heart … a sacred space between ourselves and the changing of these times.

Take this opportunity to learn meditation and expand your awareness of self.

The music I have written over the past 40 years will naturally guide you to your inner peace and your inner self … both companionate qualities of your human life.

Thank you for reading and for sharing

May your peace be within


Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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