February 27, 2025

The Great Within - ll

the energy field connection ...

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In last week’s issue I came up with the title before the body of the writing. In fact, the title was the inspiration for the text that followed. I usually do it the other way around.

“The Great Within” came to me without thinking. I just typed it, sat back and looked at it. I thought to myself, that's not bad . . . not bad at all! From just a few words, the title wrote the rest of the article.

As for this week, I didn’t really plan a part two, But the “Great Within” has been on my mind and Ive had a few thoughts about extending beyond last weeks, how to get there, how it feels and how to meditate. So this week the Great Within continues, and we'll start as if we’re already in there. 

A couple of points to make first …

Speaking of meditation and forty years of a daily ritual, I have had a lot of time to understand life’s unexpected twists and turns from alternate perspectives. Without the myriad distractions of daily life and the overbearing nature of materialistic stress, we are free to source creative conclusions that naturally arrive in meditation. Inside the Great Within we are open to universal insight in a space that is both “great in feeling” and “great in continuity”. An inner space as vast as our own outer-space, no less.  

The other point I would make, is that there is no irrefutable evidence that our memory is stored within our brain. Amongst progressive scientists and  thought leaders world-wide, there is a compelling view-point that our memory is actually stored to, and retrieved from the space around us. (Hence people will often look upward or sideways to find information or a memory) In this view, the brain works like a transmitter and receiver of information, stored and retrieved around us as ‘energy fields’.

When we meditate, we cross the boundary between our physical and non-physical awareness. This extends beyond the limits of our physicality into the energy fields around us. As energy fields are essentially wholistic in nature, our surroundings are not just a feature of our own energy field, but the fields of all physical systems throughout in the entire universe. Out of meditation, we access the these fields through our intuition. Within meditation, we have a direct connection with all energy fields.

I have included a small piece of my music to accompany the reading of the following paragraphs. Have the music playing quietly while continuing to read . . . 

Take a few deep breaths and with each exhale, release what ever effort you are feeling. Recline your consciousness enough to continue reading ...

So here we are in the Great Within. Our body is relaxed and still. Our mind, slow and yet awake. We are in the Tardis of our inner self — expansive and infinite. Everything is at peace here … and yet, the wave of peaceful feeling is somehow being parted by our need to understand something . . .

What comes to your mind first?  . . . Hold that thought . . .

At this depth of awareness we are in the energy field of our unconscious. It is deep because in here, is a treasury of procedures and directives — our treasury to be exact.  Within it, a  great collection of presets and behaviours we have saved for the purpose of preserving the irreplaceable moments of our waking life. Beyond all this, is a moment to moment record of our life’s journey up to now. 

Imagine this space … However you picture it, it becomes. 

Now, bring your attention to what is you need to understand … 

In this space is held all our understandings and motivations at a core level — as experienced from the very beginning. Without flicking through the pages of your memory, ask your question once … and then just be with the music. 

It is not guaranteed that meditation will bring you what you seek the first time you ask. Keeping in mind that meditation is actually a practice, you may have to revisit. I strongly encourage you to adopt its practice and be a regular visitor to the Great Within.

The thing about meditating, is that every meditation is different, just like every day. Sometimes you will feel like you were thinking the whole time.  Other times, you may not remember anything, from one end to the other. Meditation can be like this and everything between. 

The miracle of the Great Within, is the healing that happens naturally. Healing is balancing. Spending time in a deeply relaxed state has a natural balancing effect on all aspects of the bodymind. This happens by virtue of our intrinsic energy field working more efficiently within this vibration. 

The music I have written and recorded also contributes to mindbody healing . . .

The inspiration behind my music is held in the beauty of nature. I see and feel the gradual unfolding of nature in time, and I follow this in the music. Our mind and body is connected to the natural environment around us. We are Human Spirit born in Nature. What inspires my music, naturally becomes a healing within the body and the mind. 

Enjoy your meditation life.

Thank you for reading and for sharing

May peace be within


Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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