July 22, 2015

Reading the signs and hearing the knocks

Through the eyes of the creative universe – life is game.

Reading the signs and hearing the knocks

It is a magical wonderland where creative ideas become physical reality in an instant.

The engine of this creativity is our consciousness and it is working around clock without missing a beat.

Our greatest wish or our deepest desire in life is an energy of immense power. When we make a wish for something, the universe of our consciousness morphs itself to deliver on command. Remember the saying; be careful what you ask for . . .

Yes, we are constantly creating the things we want. But so often we don’t recognise HOW they are being delivered. From the moment we ask, the divine courier is knocking on the door, but what prevents us from hearing the knock are the beliefs we have around receiving.

So what we create is a time-lapse between when we ask and when we receive. The time lapse is like a school where we learn the secrets of receiving our creative desires. The teacher is embodied in the circumstances of our daily life. Every circumstance is a signpost that is pointing us toward receiving the product of our deepest wish.

Here’s the thing . . . once we have asked, we will be confronted with a variety of circumstances. Many of these may seem negative or bad news to us. The irony is that our negative circumstances are the result of our effort and intention to create something genuinely positive. What we need to do is change our perception. Rather than become the victim of circumstance, we have the choice to become the creator . . . Its all in how we interpret.

When we play the victim card we blame and shame something or someone else. When we do this we divorce ourselves from the very thing we are asking for. We deafen ourself to the knock of divine courier.

When we play the creation card, we realise that what confronts us is of our own doing. It is the result of our asking for something we really wanted. In the ownership of its creation we begin to hear the knocking . . .

What to do? . . . Read the signs.

Everything in life has a message for us because we are the creators of our life. Our wishes and desires are the essential drivers of our creativity. Once we make up our mind to create something it begins to happen. Following this, every circumstance is an echo of that intention. Every circumstance is pointing us in the direction of our strongest and deepest desire. It is creativity in its most magical form. Once we see it and begin reading our circumstances as signposts, life becomes a wonderful adventure and the most beautiful game in the universe – that’s just the way it is.

So next time you are confronted with an unwanted event; ask yourself, why have I created this? Does this somehow relate to the thing I have been wishing for? What is this telling me?

If you think about what you most want in life, you will find that what stands before you is a clue to what you need to be aware of in order to hear that knock and open the door. This is the “quantum creative reality” and it underpins our entire universe. To this we are always connected through consciousness, all we need do is be open and be aware.

From the moment of this realisation, your life becomes a positive journey in every respect. Once you have an idea and decide to create it, the universe obeys your command without fail; everything around you shifts and re-orders itself to become the product and the manifestation of your desire. If you begin to lose your way, the universe will certainly keep you on track through the signposts of your continuing circumstances . . .

Knock, knock. Who’s there? . . . “Read!”
Read who? – Read the signs, you are a divinely created being.

Peace always . . .

Jeffree, Meditation Composer
Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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