August 26, 2015

It’s a world of you

How can I possibly make a difference when there is only 1 of me and 7.3 billion others out there!

It’s a world of you

What difference do I make? . . . So harmonises the human mind with the mantra of classical science.

In this, the sleeping majority go about their lives; quietly believing that everything they see is everything there is. We are separate to everything around us and the difference we can make is really a question of mathematics.

But the new quantum science disagrees. According to the theory of entanglement we are all inclusive – being an island is not a possibility in this universe. Our apparent separateness is but an illusion, and this changes everything . . .

The “double-slit” experiment is physics’ most beautiful and profound triumph. It demonstrates how observation can alter quantum physical systems (and outcomes). If we bring this into the day-to-day human realm, it means you cannot have a thought or a feeling that doesn’t make a difference somewhere and in some way. Every second of our waking life we are affecting something just by observing it.

Despite the 7.3 billion, each of us is making a difference – just by being here. But until we KNOW we make that difference the outcomes we are causing are beyond our control and therefore can be counter-productive to the very thing we are looking for in life – peace and prosperity. “You make a difference” may sound as a cliché, but deep in those words there is a quantum promise that would surmount humanity’s most pressing issues in the world today.

While most people wait for science to make the official proclamation, others are living their lives in the possibility and vision of this great human knowledge. It is knowledge in the form of philosophy not religion, and it belongs to each person, not to community. “We make a difference” may just seem like a string of words to some, but once realised as a working axiom these same words take on a whole new meaning that brings positive results to life.

So lets get to the nitty-gritty . . .

“How you treat a person is how they become . . .”

When you treat a person a certain way because of the way you think they are, you assist them to become more that way. Question: Are you helping people for the better?

Always see the goodness in people. If you can’t, then learn to. By learning to see the goodness in those around you, you not only promote the goodness in them you promote it in yourself.

When a person is unwell and needs healing, it is good to empathise and to understand their suffering. However to treat them is to see them being well, or to treat them being well. Acknowledge their sickness but treat them with wellness.

Is the universe a benevolent place? Yes, it certainly seems so. But really, the universe is you. If you are kind and compassionate your world will become the same. Imagine a world in the kindness and compassion of all people.

“How you see the world is how the world becomes . . .”

Everyday the media declares the state of the world as an objective reality. We are its potential victims like fleas on the back of an elephant. But in an inclusive reality, the world becomes the way we see it – the flea is the elephant.

See positive change in the world and the world becomes a positive place. If you can’t see it – learn to. It’s really that easy and it’s up to you. When Mother Teresa turned down an invite to an anti-war rally but said she would support a pro-peace rally, it was more than just the glass being half-full. She was exercising the power of her determination to see the world as a peaceful place.

A peaceful and prosperous world is OUR challenge. It begins with YOU and ends with US – all 7.3 billion of us. The paradox of the inclusive universe is that we are each one and we are all one. When you see your world as a beautiful place, the vibration of your thoughts and feelings is radiated to those around you. This is social media in its most natural sense.

“Encourage people to follow their dreams . . .”

We can get used to people around us being a certain way. When a friend wants to change their direction in life, even though we may want things to remain the same, encourage that person to follow their heart. Give them your unconditional love and set them free in your world to follow their dreams.

Most of all – follow yours.

Jeffree, Meditation Composer
Artist & composer of Meditation & Healing music, author & peacemaker. We each make a difference in the world, Its all about the choices we make.
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